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Medical Equipment Repair Specialist

Our Protection Offerings against COVID19

During this unprecedented period challenging the world’s health and economy, we are leveraging our technology and resources to alleviate some of the burden this pandemic has placed on our customers.

Medical practitioners are required to be in close contact with patients while examining and thus are unable to maintain the recommended distance of 6 feet. In order to combat this and prevent the transmission of contamination, we are now offering our customers, custom build Breath Shields that fits onto their instrument and provides a first line of defense for both healthcare providers and patients.

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Intubation Armamentarium

In the times of COVID19 the healthcare providers are at great risk of contracting the infection themselves. The Anesthesiologist being the front-line worker in OT, ICU, Resuscitation area (where his core activity is Endotracheal intubation and extubation) is at greater risk   as he is less than a foot distance from the patient.
This equipment has been designed especially for operation theater facility to minimize the risk of aerosol exposure to OT team.
When used with proper size plastic sheet which acts as a drape from head to chest helps to contain the aerosols. The smooth movement of the square box with plastic drape over channel is an added advantage as it can be pushed to any position on the OT table depending on the site of surgery.
Post surgery it can be railed back to head position for extubation. This greatly helps in containing the generated  aerosol  within the plastic drape throughout the surgery.

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Slit Lamp Breath Shields

We are providing protective breath shields for your practice that you can install easily on most slit lamps regardless of make or model.

  • Available for  variety of slit lamp makes and models

  • Easy installation

  • Easy access to device controls and to your patient

  • Easy to Clean


Shield for Indirect Ophthalmoscope

We are helping doctors stay safe with our Custom made Breath Shield for Indirect Ophthalmoscope. The shield is fixed in such a manner that there is sufficient gap between the shield and face mask worn by the doctor to avoid transmission of infection. These shields are available for variety indirect ophthalmoscopes used. The shield measures 300 mm W x 210 mm H and is made of 0.75mm thick clear polyethylene terephthalate.

  • Available for  variety of Indirect Ophthalmoscopes make and models

  • Easy installation

  • Easy access to device controls and to your patient

  • Easy to Clean

Our Services

Our focus is to create customized repair solutions to strengthen competitive position and providing these services to you in a timely, accurate, cost-effective manner to maintain existing equipment and give you honest advice on retention versus replacement of aging systems.


Equipment Repairs

Our Repair Services include all medical equipment, surgical instruments, laboratory equipment  and other devices of all make & models.


Custom Repairs

We provide customised replacement of parts that are declared obsolete and non-repairable by the equipment manufacturer or declared beyond economical repairs.


PCB Repairs

Repairing PCB (Printed Circuit Board) allows Customers to use their installed equipment without having to buy a new replacement.


Custom Replacements

We supply economical and price conscious replacements of Germicidal UV tubes for Air Purifiers, Batteries, Bulbs, Lamps, Cables. etc. These Spares and replacement parts are sourced directly from OEMs.


Power Supply Repairs

Repairing SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply) allows Customers to use their devices without having to buy a new replacement. SMPS repair is economic and hassle-free.


Custom Build

We also provide development of custom build small equipment and devices for medical use.


Call us at below numbers

+91 98 7122 7102, +91 95 9911 8089

Mon - Fri: 9am - 8pm
Sat - Sun: 9am - 8pm

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